Double Review: THE TECHNOLOGISTS by Matthew Pearl

Hardcover: The Technologists by Matthew Pearl Published February 2012 by Random House Publishing Note: This is both a review of the hardcover edition of The Technologists by Matthew Pearl, self-purchased copy, and a review of the Audiobook, also self-purchased. The Book: I admit, freely and wholeheartedly from the get go, and in the interest of full disclosure, that I have a full-on literary crush on Matthew Pearl. He had me at “The.” However, that being said, if I’d never been lucky enough to be familiar with Mr. Pearl’s work prior to The Technologists,  I’d make it my goal to become familiar now. In the aftermath of the  recently climaxed Civil …


FOR THE HELL OF IT     Vol. 3  No. 3              Where’s Cockup? Being A Celebration of the Life and Times of An Unsung Audiobook Pioneer. It is easy for we lucky few in the Audio Narration business to forget our forebears.    Why, in these heady days that social pundits are already calling the golden era of audiobook narration, what care we for those whose hard work and dedication to the craft of not spitting while speaking made our magical lives possible?  Sadly, it is too easy for us to forget the early pioneers of our industry. Yet who can blame us?  We get invited to the best parties where hosts lure …


FOR THE HELL OF IT   VOL. 3 NO. 2       Open Letters to Public People To Newt Gingrich: Dear Newt, I hope its okay to call you Newt.  I know how prickly you can get but I’ve never known a person named Newt and I’d like to use it. You recently chastised John King of CNN and the national news media in general for beginning the South Carolina Republican debate by asking you about your relationship with your ex-wife and her claims that you wanted an “open marriage”. In fact you said you were appalled that he would begin a Presidential debate with “a topic like that?” Why?  Shouldn’t American voters …


FOR THE HELL OF IT  VOL 3  NO. 1 By Johnny Heller For the Hell of It has been getting lots of reader mail over the last year or two and I’ve decided to begin the new year by answering some reader’s questions in a section I call: ASK MR. NARRATOR (Please address all questions to ASK MR. NARRATOR by accessing the “comment” section at the end of the article.  As always, the editor and author reserve the right to edit all reader email or, as in this case, to make up all the emails entirely.) Dear Mr. Narrator, People always tell me that I have a nice voice.  I …